
  • Effective

    Non-force Chiropractic listens to the body, through muscle and leg testing, to understand clearly what needs to be treated, making every adjustment specific to each patient and their body’s needs. Due to the nature of this customized chiropractic method, patients often find relief and healing with minimal visits.

  • Honest

    The goal of Non-Force Chiropractic is to help patients within minimal visits and reasonable maintenance, so they don’t have to spend so much time in the office. This method is patient oriented, not business focused, where quality of care is the ultimate priority. At Graycar Non-Force Chiropractic, we want you to live your best lives…

  • Low Impact

    Traditional chiropractic requires high force mobilization of surrounding structures to treat problems often causing additional issues. Non-force Chiropractic utilizes gentle yet powerful adjustments to make specific corrections, only where they are needed, allowing the spine to reach optimal health in less time than traditional methods.




Traditional chiropractic uses high velocity adjustments to re-position the bones with the objective of relieving nerve interference caused by the bones being misaligned. The drawbacks with this approach is two-fold. First, high velocity adjustments can be traumatic to an already injured area. Second, the amount of visits required to correct a problem can be astronomical. Thirty, seventy even one hundred plus visits are being recommended by chiropractors in the area. NF chiropractic views that as a flaw in the approach to correcting structural problems.

Non-Force chiropractic totally corrects the majority of structural (most muscle and skeletal pain ie low back pain, neck pain, headache etc.) problems in 6 visits. Very, very complicated cases can take up to 12 visits. What makes NF chiropractic more effective is the ability to differentiate between primary misalignments and compensations. If compensation misalignments are adjusted, they will go right back out. The reason they go out is to protect the body from the more major, primary, symptom-causing misalignments. This is why Conventional Chiro requires so many adjustments. They are adjusting compensations and expecting the body to “hold” at some point down the road. With NF chiropractic, each visit is different. If a vertebrae shows up on two consecutive visits, it is a compensation and will not be adjusted a second consecutive time. By identifying a compensation, we are then able to “peel” that layer back in search of causative misalignments. In this way we are able to create a linear or more direct path from dis-function and pain to total relief and complete removal of the problem.